Services Menu
While we continue to update our website for you all I'd like to take the time to preview our service page. Listed below will be all of the services we offer and prices. Thank you for bearing with us!
Women ............................... $50 and up
Men .................................... $35 and up
Children under 12 .............. $20 and up
Partial Body Perm .............. $75 and up
Full Body Perm ................... $95 and up
Spiral Perm ........................ $120 and up
Anti Frizz/Smoothing Treatments:
Chi ...................................... $150 and up
Japanese Straight Perm ..... $95/hr
Color Services Virgin Color ........................ $65 and up
Retouch Color ..................... $50 and up
Color Correction ................. $95 and up
(Must Schedule Consultation)
Highlights ........................... $100 and up
Partial Highlights ............... $85 and up
Full Head Bleach ................ $85 and up
Retouch Bleach ................... $65 and up
Ombre ................................. $150 and up
Balayage .............................. $150 and up
Deep Conditioning .............. $35 and up
Blow Dry .............................. $25 and up
Flat Iron ............................... $30 and up
Shampoo/Set ....................... $35 and up
Updo .................................... $65 and up